Responsive Layout Demos

We added some new demos to the demo workplace showing how layouts can flexibly adapt to their available screen space. The component that is internally used is the ROWFLEXLINE component:...

Screen Map Editor

The CaptainCasa tools now include a “Screen Map Editor” that allows you to better structure and access your layout definitions: You can drag/drop layout definitions from the project and arrange...

Automated delayed selection of grid items

On the one hand the user selects an item within the grid – and wants to see detail data for the currently selected item. On the other hand loading detail...

CaptainCasa Roadbike Challenge 2019

We started last year with a roadbike trip from Munich to Venice. This year we selected the Black Forest and the Vosges. Day 1 was some constant up and down...

CaptainCasa GmbH
Hindedmithweg 13
D-69245 Bammental
Phone: +49 6223 484147
