Scrolling large models by just using scroll bars is pain. The new component SCROLLPANENAVIGATOR shows a minimized version of the content and allows the user to directly defining the scroll position there.
The definition is super-simple – just define where the navigation area is placed and to which scroll pane it belongs.
Talk into your phone – and the text will be immediately transferred into a text field?
Add a document scan by taking a photo of the document?
Our new component “MOBILELINK” connects your mobile device into your desktop application. Take a look to see and feel how user efficiency can be significantly increased for many scenarios.
Making the user recognize messages of your application sometimes is a challenge! Take a look into the updated “Message toast” and “Status bar” component.
Take a look into the demo workplace for details.
A new “light style” was introduced – please take a look into our demo – HERE.
From begin on CaptainCasa Enterprise Client provided a Hot Deployment which is based on dynamic class loader concepts. Now there is an alternative which uses the “HotSwapAgent” virtual machine. Read details HERE.
All news and updates are available in the CaptainCasa Blog.
If something is well constructed, it looks clean, structured and beautiful.
CaptainCasa Enterprise Client is a web front-end platform for demanding, long term oriented business and industry applications. It enables you to develop highly interactive web applications – without the need to learn JavaScript or any other browser technology. Server-side Java is all you need to know.
No JavaScript, no client side coding, no assembling of HTML/CSS. - Server-side Java, that's it.
Design your frontend by using a graphical editor. Directly bind your server-side application logic. Use Java for the "if-then-else"-parts and for dynamically created front-end parts.
Automatically develop a highly structured UI - and no nightmare of scripting-code. Each part of your front-end is a re-usable unit to live in other parts.
We know that your application's lifecycle may easily last longer than 15 years! And we know how to save you investments.
Multi language, multi date formats, timezone management, different styles for different users, personalized grids, ... - yes, included!
CaptainCasa Enterprise Client is designed to serve operationally used applications - and meets the user expectations towards speed and stability.
Our ONLINE DEMO SERVER provides “tons of demos” – from presenting individual controls up to providing application scenarios.
INSTALLATION is very simple and you get everything: the demo server, the development tools: you can jump-start into developing your first application dialogs!
3 minutes (Windows), 5 minutes (Linux, MacOS)
10 minutes
View tutorials 15 minutes - and go!
CaptainCasa is not an anonymous supplier of its framework but is your partner for user interface issues. Your feedback flows back into development. Join the CAPTAINCASA COMMUNITY and receive quick reactions on requests you might have during development.