The following tutorial describes…:

  • How to create your first project
  • How to create a dialog and arrange some coding behind
  • How to implement first navigation scenarios
  • How to open popup dialogs


tutorialClick into the image to open the tutorial – or click >HERE<.

In this tutorial the project is created as plain Java project. This is what we recommend for getting to know the CaptainCasa framework – especially if you are not familiar with Maven concepts. – There is additional documentation available for creating different type of project layouts (e.g. Maven, Maven with Spring Boot) in the >DOCUMENTATION AREA<.


If you prefer watching over reading then you may also view the following videos:

Tutorial-video about how to implement a hello world application:

Tutorial-video about how to implement a simple gird:

CaptainCasa GmbH
Hindedmithweg 13
D-69245 Bammental
Phone: +49 6223 484147
