A new component was introduced MESSAGETOAST: The component is automatically added to any of your page – you use it by simply calling a simple, server-side Java-API: MessageToast.showMessage(TYPE_SUCCESS,"/images/iconssvg/save.svg","...title...","...body..."); In addition...
Please check – we updated or forum server! The new address is https://www.CaptainCasa.online/forum – The old address automatically redirects to the new forum. Please update bookmarks you might have defined...
Over the last two weeks we provided training session “Getting into CaptainCasa Enterprise Client”. Each session took one hour. Please find all recordings and the project sources HERE.
It has been a phantastic day! – …seeing so many of our users, presenting to them the new features and receiving the feedback directly. Thanks a lot to all of...
This year’s Community Meeting will take place at Thursday, June 13. – The location of the meeting is Schwetzingen, close to Heidelberg. We will provide detailed information about the agenda...
We created a new “light style” that is provided as default style. Please take a look into our demo: Click into image – or click HERE
From beginning on CaptainCasa provided a sophisticated hot deployment mechanism that is a significant accelerator during development: after changing your Java code you do not have to rebuild and restart...
There is a new component that stores runtime configuration data. To be honest: this does not sound super-interesting… But: wait a second! Let’s explain the component using the default grid...