Open Street Map Integration

Open street map can now be easily integrated into your dialogs by using component OSMVIEWER. You may control the map by passing parameters, e.g.: The exact location (longitude/latitude) and zoom...

Integration of Chart.js

We now provide a component for integrating “Chart.js”. Chart.js is a really nice library for rendering charts within the front end. Please find details on Chart.js here. The configuration of...

Anonymization of images

Today’s update (20160809) includes a component for anonymizing images. You user may e.g. want to wipe out faces and/or number plates of cars before using an image within the application....

Touch components

The component library of CaptainCasa Enterprise Client RISC includes a set of touch components. Virtual keyboards are available in different formats and can be directly place inside the dialog: Virtual...

Article in JAXEnter on RISC-HTML

Please find a summary on RISC-HTML on JAXEnter:

CaptainCasa GmbH
Hindedmithweg 13
D-69245 Bammental
Phone: +49 6223 484147
